First of all this was getting so long on just the first thing I was rambling about that I went ahead and gave it it's own lil post (
Second awesome thing this month, I won twenty dollars. Ok, that's maybe more swell then awesome. I won it for being runner up for Birthday party idea of the month. I'm not gonna lie I was really really hoping to be the winner and so kind of bummed out about the runner up but I read the winning entry and I have to admit it's pretty stinking swell. Still, I have won three times before, twice actual winner and once for runner up but when I was the winner the prize the first time was like 20 dollars and a certificate for ice cream, the second time was either 25 dollars or three birthday/recipe books (I chose the books), this time the prize was 50 bucks. I really wanted that fifty bucks. But ok, its just an honor to be nominated or some such thing right? By the way, fyi to any of ya'lls that don't know I totally want to be a childrens' birthday party planner when I grow up. Oh, also if you're interested, here is a link to my runneruppy idea - and pictures are here - And the winner's idear is here -
Ok, awesome thing number three, if you don't know I'm obsessed with Twilight. I stinking love Twilight, and I am very very much Team Jacob. As such I designed a whole bunch of Team Jacob tshirts and whatnot on*- It's very nifty because all I have to do is put the shirt up for sale, they make it, they ship it, I get a 15 percent royalty. It's not nifty in that it takes ages and ages for them to actually pay you. But I am due for my first payment, 47.27 this week and have 19.66 earned towards my next payment. So basically I'm getting paid (albeit very belatedly) for loving Twilight.
Which brings me to awesomeness number 4, which happens to be my favorite number and very very very very stinking awesome. A few battery charging hours from now I'll be able to add a photo to my very awesome, very autographed TwiTour poster. Did I get to go to TwiTour or TwiCon or any of the like? No. Does that royally stink? Yes. But do I have the most unpsycho bestest most awesomest sister-in-law ever? Um, yeah I do. Though I know in reality she actually came to Texas to get her 100 Monkeys concert fix, I like to think she came just to hand deliver my poster to me. I may or may not have gotten a lil flipped out, I'm really not sure, but there was very nearly tears, and there was definitely hugging involved, it was not pretty. So I now have a TwiTour poster with photos and autographs of...(Hi Lisa -) Billy Burke aka Charlie aka Bella's dad, (To Lisa - ) Ashley Greene aka Alice Cullen, (To Lisa...) peter Facinelli aka Dr. Carlisle Cullen, Catherine Hardwice aka the twit director, and Holy Stinking Crow! (Lisa I *heart* U!) Kellan Lutz aka Emmett ridiculous hotness Cullen. How happy am I about this? So happy that I am also about to be the not very proud owner of an autographed Iron Maiden poster hanging in my living room. Whatever Adam, tape your silly lil poster up. It's not like anyone will even see it with my on the shelf with a wooden and brass apple autographed awesome TwiTour poster.
Overuse of the word awesome justified. Awwwwesome.