Friday, June 19, 2009

ow, stinkin ow

so for some reason i was lucky enough to win the staph infection lotto. woooooooooooooha. actually i'm told it's a pretty easy ticket to win - 10 a week in this small (to the natives but not to me) town. so yay for me. or something.

i like to think i have a pretty high tolerance for pain but even so i avoid it when i can. as such i have been walking around with my left arm glued down to my side to prevent any movement from the hole beneath it. now my arm is very very sore too.

i have not seen the hole and have no desire to do so. i do not understand why people want to see such things. gross. last night when adam changed the bandage over it ben and josey nearly tripped over themselves trying to get a look. biscuit caught sight of the bandage afterwards and said "aaaaaaaaawesome". boys. aye.

i am trying very very hard to not take the prescription pain reliever unless i really really really have to. gotta make those babies last. yeah, so for now i should probably buy stock in advil.


Lucky Irish Gal said...

I must confess to being one of those people that will trip to look at the gross things. Being a girl I am sure this means I am hard wired wrong.
-Bridget J