Wednesday, July 15, 2009


First Josey spotted a single glove on the dining room floor. Then he felt a chill and couldn't stop dancing. Then Ben realized *gasp* he was wearing white socks (for anyone that knows Ben, the sock thing is pretty weird, he normally wears patterned and purposely mismatched socks). That's how Josey knew for sure that we were being haunted by Michael Jackson.

What really scared them though was a commercial for Uncle Ben's rice. They've never heard of Uncle Ben's, I'm a Great Value gal. All they know is there were all kinds of boxes of rice (Ben LOVES rice) and the word Ben on the television. Apparently Michael Jackson loves the way Ben dances so he sent him a message.

I didn't actually think they were serious about the whole thing until Josey flipped out over the shadow of my vacuum.

It was a little Off The Wall.

...when I googled Michael Jackson discography to find material for my ridiculous closing pun (at least I decided "Pretty Bad, but nothing Dangerous, mostly just a little Off The Wall" was a bit much (yet still feel the need to type it anyway)), I found this album cover -