So I was all set to make me a new blog. Got a nifty lil' title for it and everything. Lisa's Losin' It, catchy eh? Too bad somebody else thought of it back in 2007. Woe is me. Blibbitty bloggitty boo!
I figured I'd have a seperate spot for all my excess rambling that's not all about the fellas and isn't buildabirthday but alas there'll just have to be extra random rambling here.
Aaaaanyhoo, big news of sorts round these parts - if you don't count Josey's ongoing/neverending stomach issues we have not had to go to the doctor in two (count em up, that's TWO) whole months. Holla. And we got off pretty easy today too - sinus, ear infection, pharyngitis, the gianotti-crosti rash, and only an hour and a half of missed school. Take that truancy letters. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Also after probably three stinking months of primed kitchen cabinets I finally finished painting them today. I am still in the midst of clearing out the ole Birthday Closet but I do have a couple party games under way. I just finished typing up and posting a big long ramble about Spring Break (just scroll on down after this if you care to read it). AND as of Monday I've been losing pounds (and occasionally my mind) left and right for one whole year. Blammo. As of today I have lost 82.2 pounds exacatally. Adam said I am the secret ingredient in awesome sauce. Adam rules.
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